Saturday, September 1, 2012


It has become very popular for people to use green energy. Many people who have made the switch are saving a lot of money on their energy bills, and are taking an active role in saving the environment. Is there truth in this? Learn more about green energy by reading and implementing the simple energy conservation tips that follow.
You can increase the energy efficiency of your home with proper weatherization procedures. Insulating your home and installing more efficient windows, doors, and heating and cooling systems will let you use less energy in your home. The lower energy use will also reduce your energy bill!
Keep your thermostat in check with the season. In the colder months, consider lowering your thermostat a few degrees, and in warmer months, raise the thermostat a few degrees. By doing this while simultaneously adding or taking off layers will ensure you use less power while maintain a stable temperature.
It is vital to make sure the seal on your oven does not let hot air escape when your oven is turned on. If your oven's seal is broken, your oven may need a lot more energy to stay at the temperature you need. Check your oven seal on a regular basis to ensure this doesn't happen.
You can watch the energy use in your home by buying a monitor to track it. These devices can provide you real-time measurements of the amount of electricity usage and they can estimate how much you'll pay on your bill. Research has proven that consumers generally cut down on energy consumption if they are able to see the exact costs of running lights, appliances and devices.
Be aware of federal and state rebates for updating your home with renewable energy. Sometimes your utility company may offer additional rebates which will help pay for the expense of the systems. The federal government, or your city or state government, may also offer tax breaks. These offers make installing and using a green energy system much more affordable.
Save energy by buying products that conserve energy. Double or triple glazed windows and well-insulated doors prevent a lot of wasted energy while keeping the inside temperature more comfortable. These products will help you reduce the costs of heating and cooling.
During the summer, you should try drying your clothes out in the sun instead of using a dryer. The sun could give your clothes an incredible smell. Sun-drying clothes give them a fresh smell. Additionally, you will have substantial savings on your utility bills every month that you dry clothes outside.
Use the oven light when cooking to save energy. By using the oven light rather than opening the oven every time you want to check your food you will save lots of energy, since a great amount of heat does escape when the oven is open.
Buy rechargeable batteries instead of traditional batteries for all the modern things you have. Primary batteries often get thrown in the trash, which contributes to landfills and can also leak chemicals into the environment. Save money and help the environment by purchasing rechargeable alternatives. Over their life span, rechargeable batteries can actually save you up to hundreds of dollars.
When planning a home solar system, calculate the potential energy generation of the system using hours of sunshine in the winter. This prevents any unanticipated effects from a winter months, and it keeps you ahead of the game for summer months. If you have a net usage program you will get money returned to you from your utility company for energy generated by you.
An excellent way to save energy in your home is to set the heat at 60 degrees when you are not home or during the night while you're asleep. When your thermostat is set to 60 degrees, your system will use almost no energy. The resulting effect is energy usage cuts and money saved.
As you can see, there are many things you can do to go green. Do you think green energy is good for you? Put these tips to work for you and see how much your life improves. Use these tips today and you'll see how well living green can work for you.

NOTE: Please visit these websites for more green energy secrets and tips:

Friday, August 24, 2012


You may be amazed when you learn about the many ways green energy can be used in the home, ones that are easy to implement and don't cost a fortune. This article's purpose is to show you the things you need to know to start getting the benefits of green energy where you live today.
You can improve your home's energy efficiency by being responsible with your lights. During the months when sun is brightest, avoid using lights before a certain time of day. Install dimmers so you can reduce the amount of light being used. It is also a good idea to use sensors or timers to make sure that excess lights are not left burning after a room is empty.
There are several ways to conserve energy as you do your laundry. Start by using the moisture control setting that turns the dryer off when laundry is dry. The spin speed can be set to high, to keep the moisture in clothes to a minimum, which makes drying time reduced. Regular cleaning of filters and vents for your dryer will make it more efficient.
Consult a technician for more information about switching to biodiesel heating if your home currently uses oil for heating. You might even find that you can switch your system to partial biodiesel without having to purchase parts or hire a contractor to perform modifications. Biodiesel is great because it is more efficient and produces less pollution that standard oil, which will reduce your carbon footprint.
One way to make your home use less energy is to weatherize it. Weatherizing simply means to ensure that all ducts are sealed, install energy-saving windows and doors, and add extra insulation in your walls, basement, and attic. You may also see real savings on your energy bill!
Replace an energy-hogging water heating tank with a greener, tankless variety. These heaters only heat water when you need it rather than heating the tank constantly. This saves you on your gas or electricity costs. There are tankless heaters that can supply just one single faucet with water that is hot, but there are also models which supply the whole home.
Storm doors and windows help control air flow into a home. Storm windows and storm doors reduce the amount of cold air entering the home in the form of drafts. Energy efficiency improves by 45% when storm doors and windows are implemented, which are big energy savers.
Solar water heaters are a great option for your home. If you live somewhere where you don't have to be concerned with temperatures that are freezing, you can use a system that circulates water through the solar heater before it gets pumped into your home. Yet make sure that you also have a regular water heater as well just in case the sun decides to not come out for awhile.
Solar powered outdoor lighting is a wonderful enhancement to your outdoor living areas. Solar-powered lamps are usually inexpensive, and they don't need any power source besides the sun. This does more than just save energy. It also means you do not to have string up those outdoor lights.
Maintain your refrigerator. With the fridge being a top energy consumer in the home, maintenance is important for efficiency. It is important to wipe off the dust from heating coils on a regular basis. Don't forget to be certain to keep the seal surrounding the door tight and clean.
To conserve energy and save money, only run the dishwasher when you have a full load. Don't run it when there are a low number of dishes present. You might be surprised by how much you can actually fit in the dishwasher. Make sure you take time to place the dishes in properly so as to maximize the space available.
You can make small improvements to your home to make it more energy efficient, such as changing the type of light bulbs you use. Of course, you can also make large-scale improvements such as putting in solar panels. A few small, do-it-yourself projects can have a great impact on the amount of energy you save and the money that will be saved as well! Pick one mini-project and you will be on your way!
All of this article's green energy tips are easy and simple to do, so don't permit excuses to distract you from using them. All it takes is some knowledge and time to get that peace of mind. So make some changes now and you will enjoy your future rewards!

NOTE: Please visit these websites for more green energy secrets and tips:

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Due to the economic environment, green and renewable energy sources is getting more prominence than before. Switching over to green energy is a simple way to conserve resources and spend less money on energy, which is attractive in these tough times. Learn more on how to use green energy by reading this article.
Replacing your boiler unit is an excellent way to save energy. A lot of the old boilers weren't constructed with power, or energy saving in mind, as opposed to the newer ones which are much more energy efficient. Newer models have multiple benefits; not only can they lower your energy bills, but they often create a lower amount of carbon dioxide, which can will be lot better for your family's health.
If you are planning to make your home a greener one, consider adding solar panels to your roof. The initial cost of installing solar panels may seem significant, but consider the long term saving when calculating the final cost. Once you have the solar panels hooked up to your home's energy system, your solar energy will be free, and can even earn you money if you sell the surplus to your local energy company.
Consider changing out your old windows and replacing them with newer, more energy-efficient models. New windows provide a variety of benefits, including reduced energy bills, less noise pollution from outside, less carbon dioxide in your home, and less window condensation.
Save a substantial amount of money on your monthly bill by heating each room separately. Get yourself a floor heating system that has one main board that lets you review all areas, and choose specific temperatures for each one. That is a great solution, particularly if your home is large.
Opt out of snail mail where possible, and choose to get bills and notices by email. Try to use paper as little as possible. You help both you and other businesses you communicate with to save resources and energy. An added bonus is that everyone benefits by the protection of our environment.
Energy efficient appliances will feature the bright Energy Star sticker. ENERGY STAR appliances must meet all the guidelines which have been established by the U.S. Department of Energy plus those of Environmental Protection Agency. You can get a tax rebate from these types of items, as well.
Use solar-powered lamps for outdoor lighting. They don't use any energy other than solar energy and they are cost effective. This will save significant energy. It also means you don't need to wire your outdoor lights.
Use LED lights on the holidays to save electricity. A study was conducted by the U.S. The U.S. Department of Energy says we could save over 2 billion kilowatt hours of power if everyone made this change. That's a large amount of electricity; it would power 200,000 homes over the course of the year. If nothing else, you can cut down your power bill!
Use your refrigerator to thaw out food. You will thaw your food in a safer manner and your fridge will not have to work hard with the frozen items inside. This could lower your total energy usage.
An excellent way to save energy in your home is to set the heat at 60 degrees when you are not home or during the night while you're asleep. At 60 degrees you use the lowest amount of energy you could possibly use. This way, you are saving money and conserving energy.
To be effective, solar panels must be aligned for maximum exposure to the sun! If your home is located in the north you will need to place your solar panels on the south side of the home at the proper angle. This way ensures that you always receive adequate power.
Eco-friendly lighting is one of the easiest green home projects that can be done. Several kinds of bulbs like fluorescent ones are great alternatives. You can save energy and money without sacrificing light by using these bulbs. This can help your home stay environmentally-friendly.
This article provides so many simple tips for using green energy that it will save you money each month. Going green with energy use, is a great way to save serious money in this day and age of recessions and layoffs, and by applying the tips from this article, you will realize how easy going green can be.

NOTE: Please visit these websites for more green energy secrets and tips:

Monday, April 9, 2012


It's simple to reduce the amount of energy your home is using, or make it greener. If you make some small changes, and even a big one or two, you can lower your environmental impact and save a lot of money. This article will show you how to get started with ways to conserve energy.
Eventually, it will pay off to get green appliances and electronics. Usually, technologies that are green cost more than regular technologies, but in the long run this will pay off in the form of reduced utility costs. A bonus is that you will be helping to protect the environment.
A solar oven can be an easy and free way to bake. You can make one with easy-to-find items like old windows, boxes, and aluminium foil to reflect light. Solar ovens can get hotter than 300 degrees, and doesn't use any energy source besides the sun, so you are reducing your carbon footprint and saving money.
If you can, try switching out your old windows for ones that are more energy-efficient. You'll not only see a reduction in your energy bill, but you will also reduce carbon dioxide, condensation on the inside of your windows and a reduction of outside noise in your home.
One smart way to save money and be green is to keep your water heater temperature at 120 degrees maximum. Contrary to popular belief, this temperature is both safe and comfortable, and more importantly, it can reduce your electricity bill by up to 10%.
Use the oven light while cooking to save energy. You can avoid opening the door to check your food if you can see it from the outside. This cuts back on your energy usage.
Solar panels can be installed on your roof allowing you to use solar energy. However, before beginning this process, you need to realize a few things. What you need to know first is how much of the sun does your home generally receive? If your home is shaded, the amount of energy collected from solar panels will be greatly reduced.
If you try to promote living sustainably then use your heater as little as you can during winter. Instead, start wearing warmer clothing indoors and use a pellet stove or fireplace to keep main living areas heated. Keep in mind, cooler air while sleeping makes your breathing better, and keeps your airways from getting too dry.
The flow of air in a home is better controlled when you have stormed windows and doors installed. The cold air which comes in from drafts can be reduced with proper care for doors and windows. Storm doors and windows can help save as much as 45 percent on energy costs.
Do your best to keep your windows shaded from any sunlight in summer. Curtains or blinds can also be used to do this. By doing these things, you'll lower the amount you need to run your air conditioner in the summer, as your home will already be cooler. You will save money and energy at the same time.
Energy efficient appliances have Energy Star logos. The ENERGY STAR seal indicates appliances that meet the guidelines which have been established by the U.S. Department of Energy and the EPA as well. Sometimes these products offer tax rebates.
Monitor how many watts you use. Gadgets such as the Watt Minder or the Kill-A-Watt will help you find out which of your appliances are hogging energy. Plug your appliances in to these devices to find out what amount of energy is required each year, month or hour to run it. This will show you the cost of your appliance.
Demand legislation that encourages green energy usage. Awareness is a powerful tool that is under-utilized. If consumers know which corporations choose massive profit over environmentally conscious practices, then they may change their buying habits. If companies are held responsible to the public, they will have to accept change.
Turn these energy saving ideas into strategies you can use in your own home to create a greener environment. As you protect the environment more, your monthly energy bills will decrease. Keep working at it a little at a time, and ultimately your home is going to be the greenest in your neighborhood!

NOTE: Please visit these websites for more green energy secrets and tips:


The options for going green can sometimes seem overwhelming to the novice. Does it seem too expensive and hard for you to consider? No worries! The ways to conserve energy outlined in this article will prove that using green energy can be simple and inexpensive.
When designing outdoor lighting for your patio or garden path, consider solar-powered lamps. Solar-powered lamps are usually inexpensive, and they don't need any power source besides the sun. You save a lot of energy in the process. As an added benefit, you are spared the trouble of running an outdoor wiring system.
Install a toilet that uses less water. Some estimates report that about half of the water consumption in a home is from the toilet. With the older model of toilets, the amount of water consumed each time they are flushed is 5 gallons; however, the newer, water-saving models consume only 1.6 gallons per flush, which will yield a saving of approximately 70 percent in your annual water consumption.
It's important to maintain your refrigerator properly. Refrigerators take lots of energy to run, so it's crucial to make sure it is running effectively. Make dusting the coils part of your weekly cleaning routine. Also, ensure that the door seals tightly and that it is clean.
Find out more about active and passive forms of solar power. Active solar power is stored so it can be used later, but passive doesn't need pricey solar panel cells to store power. To use active power, you must install mechanical systems, cells and solar panels. Passive power uses the simple sun to generate thermal energy to heat your house.
There are many ways to conserve energy when doing your laundry. Most dryers have a moisture setting that will shut your dryer off when the clothes are dry. The high-spin feature can work to reduce the amount of moisture in the laundry, thus limiting drying time. Be sure to clean dryer filters and check for blockages in the dryer vent.
Consider installing a water-saving shower head in your bathroom. This feels similar to a traditional shower head, but saves a lot of water. Your water bill will notice a significant reduction, and you'll also be helping out the earth in the process.
List all of your appliances and the watts they use before talking to a professional about installing solar panels. You will get a more accurate quote for the installation if the dealer knows your energy requirements.
Position solar panels so that they are facing the sun. Remember that a home in the North Hemisphere must face its panels to the south. They must be at an angle equal to your latitude with 15 degrees added. This results in the most efficient power production possible.
See if your insulation needs replacing. If your home was built before 1982, your insulation could probably use an upgrade. You will be able to lower your heating costs and warm up your home this way.
Buy a dehumidifier. Your air will feel warmer if it contains humidity. Before starting up the air conditioner on muggy days, consider running the dehumidifier instead. You may find the dehumidifier will reduce ambient air temperature enough to keep you comfortable. This can let you use the air conditioning less.
Research the different energy sources available in your community. Check how much these utilities cost and any tax breaks or energy saving rebates before making a decision. For instance, you may save on energy costs by heating your home with gas instead of with electricity, or by using well water instead of city water.
You can use bio-fuels to heat your house. Bio fuels are usually composed of vegetable fats, animal fats, wood and oil. If you have a propane furnace, you may be able to have a professional retrofit your furnace to work with bio fuel blend. This way, you would have approximately 20 to 99 percent biodiesel. Just be sure to consult with a professional before attempting to use this fuel in your home.
What do you have to do to make your home more green? You have the necessary information on ways to conserve energy, now it's time to put it to use in your life. Start now and you'll see the positive effects in no time!

NOTE: Please visit these websites for more green energy secrets and tips:


You've probably heard others talk about green energy, but you may not know what it is. If you're wondering about energy saving technology and how to use it, this article will help you. Read the tips and advice here to learn how you can make your home green.
Did you know that it is not wise to use bottled water? This water comes from a tap and is then filtered or has minerals put back into it, and the bottling process uses a ton of energy and pollutes the environment. If you don't trust your community's tap water, buy a re-usable water bottle for drinking and use a water filter that you could replace every few months.
If you want to save energy, think about putting your freeze and fridge in a relatively cold location. Try to keep these appliances out of direct sunlight or heating vents, as this can raise the temperature, causing them to run for longer periods of time.
You can make small energy saving improvements to your home to make it more energy efficient, such as changing the type of light bulbs you use. Of course, you can also make large-scale improvements such as putting in solar panels. Just doing a few small improvements on your home can save you energy and money. Start with just one project and work your way toward completing them all!
Do some research to gain information on the energy sources available to your area. Check the cost of running your home using these utilities, taking into consideration any recent legislation regarding energy costs. You might find savings by switching from electric to natural gas for heating, or to well water from city water.
You can reduce the energy needs of your laptop by removing battery and running on AC current at home. The battery does not need any more energy once it is to capacity. If you then remove it, you will save the life on your battery.
When you install a solar energy system, place the batteries close to the cells. Power can be lost over long cables so this will lessen the impact. This can reduce chances of cables shading cells and reducing capabilities.
If you're in the market for new appliances, make sure they have a high Energy Star rating. This rating is given only to energy efficient appliances that are guaranteed to save energy over standard appliances like the ones you are replacing. For freezers and refrigerators the rating guarantees 20 percent less energy utilized, dishwashers 40 percent, and washing machines as much as 50 percent less energy used!
In order to cut down on fuel usage, you should consider using carpooling not only for work, but for other activities too. Talk with other parents and try to arrange a carpool schedule so that you all take turns driving your kids to school. If you have friends or family nearby, consider combining grocery trips together, alternating driving duties.
Use your ceiling fan in the winter. Run fans clockwise to help circulate warm air throughout the house and reduce the need to use external heaters. It does take a little electricity to operate the fans, but you will save more energy from not having to run the furnace on a regular basis.
A straw bale home offers a unique option for the very green consumer. Straw offers an excellent form of insulation and it is a very inexpensive product to use too. If a straw house really isn't for you, adding an out building might still give you the option to take advantage of this unique material.
Try cutting energy usage in your business, as well as your home. Think about solar panels for your business. This can also be used as a marketing strategy. Many people enjoy charities and programs that invest in sustainable, green energy technology. Over time, the extra business you get by going green will help pay off the solar panels.
Now that you have seen what green energy is all about, you are ready to start using it in your own home. Use the information offered here to make the needed changes in your home. This technology will have a positive impact of the environment and your pocketbook.

NOTE: Please visit these websites for more green energy secrets and tips: